Bomb Calorimetry
A fundamental test of great signifi-
cance to anyone concerned with the
production or utilization of solid or
liquid fuels.
One of the most important tests in
the evaluation of materials which are
burned as fuels is the determination
of the heat of combustion, or calorific
value. These measurements can be
made quickly and accurately in Parr
oxygen bomb calorimeters, utilizing
either the latest in automatic calori-
metric equipment or in simple calorim-
eters in which all elements have been
reduced to their fundamental forms.
Uses for these calorimeters extend
into any chemical, physical, or physi-
ological process in which heat genera-
tion or burning is an important factor.
Principal applications include calorific
measurements for:
• Coal and coke, all varieties
and types
• Fuel oil, both heavy and light
• Gasoline, all motor fuel and
aviation types
1341 Calorimeter with 6775 Digital Thermometer & 2901 Ignition Unit
• Jet fuels, all varieties
• Combustible wastes and
refuse disposal
• Foodstuffs and supplements
for human nutrition
• Forage crops and supplements
for animal nutrition
• Building materials
• Explosives and heat powders
• Rocket fuels and related
• Thermodynamic studies
of combustible materials
• Energy balance studies
in ecology
Ideal for Laboratory Instruction
The 1341 is ideal for teaching the
fundamentals of calorimetry.
Using the Parr 6775 Digital
Thermometer included with the 1341,
temperature points are manually
recorded and plotted. Students per-
form the calculations to determine the
energy released from the sample.
With the addition of the optional
Parr 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer
students or faculty can automate the
temperature acquisition and calcula-
tions in cases where manual calcula-
tions are not desirable.
For occasional calorific tests
The 1341 Calorimeter is an
improved version of a plain, static
jacket calorimeter that has been made
by Parr for nearly 100 years. It is a reli-
able calorimeter that can be used for a
full range of solid and liquid samples,
but it is recommended primarily for
users who make only an occasional
calorific test, or whose work load does
not justify the purchase of an automat-
ic model. Its modest cost and simple
design make it well suited for intermit-
tent use. The calorimeter requires no
permanent connections. It can be set-
up and ready to operate in a few min-
utes, and, when not in use, it is easily
disassembled and stored on a shelf.
Many Applications
The 1341 Calorimeter can be used
to determine the calorific value of
coal, oil, foodstuffs and any other
materials which can be burned safely
P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m
Series 1341 Plain Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters