3921 Hydrogenation Apparatus shown with explosion proof motor.
Series Number:
Bottle Sizes:
1000, 1825, 2000, and 2250 mL
Maximum Pressure:
30, 40, 60, 65 psi
Maximum Pressure:
80 °C
Motor Type:
Standard, Air, or Explosion Proof
Base Plate: 30 x 20.5 in.
Overall Height: 17 in.
Net Weight: 160 lb.
Shipping Weight: 180 lb.
Reaction Techniques
Materials to be treated in a Parr
Hydrogenator are sealed in a reaction
bottle with a catalyst and connected to a
hydrogen reservoir. Air is removed either
by evacuating the bottle or by flushing
with hydrogen. Pressure is then applied
from the reservoir and the bottle is shak-
en vigorously to initiate the reaction. The
bottle can be heated or cooled during this
process, if necessary. After the reaction
reaches the desired point, the shaker is
stopped, the bottle vented, and the prod-
uct and catalyst are recovered.
Progress of the reaction can be fol-
lowed by observing the pressure drop
in the system. For example, when using
a 250 mL charge in a 500 mL bottle and
drawing hydrogen from the standard
4-liter tank, the tank pressure will drop
approximately 8 psi for each one-tenth
mole of hydrogen consumed. The exact
relationship between the pressure drop
and the amount of hydrogen consumed
can be determined by making a calibra-
tion run using a weighed amount of a
compound whose hydrogen acceptance
is known.
Convenient Valves And Fittings
Each apparatus is equipped with all
necessary valves and fittings for admitting
hydrogen to the bottle, for evacuating the
bottle and for filling the hydrogen tank-all
without disturbing the bottle connection.
Separate gages show the bottle pressure
and the tank pressure at all times. The
four-liter gas tank, bottle holder and a
sturdy shaker mechanism are arranged
in a compact assembly on a steel base
for convenient operation on a laboratory
bench or in a hood.
The gas connection from the hydrogen
tank to the reaction bottle is made with
S e r i e s 3 9 0 0 H y d r o g e n a t i o n A p p a r a t u s
B u l l e t i n 3 9 0 0
1 - 8 0 0 - 8 7 2 - 7 7 2 0