Fixed Head Reactors
Parr now offers all of its labo-
ratory reactors in a fixed head
design. This includes all reactors
with volumes from 25 mL to 20
liters. In these reactors the head
of the vessel may remain fixed
in the reactor support stand. All
attachments to the head: gas and
liquid feed and discharge lines,
cooling water, vapor take-off
and condenser, thermocouple
and any electrical leads can
remain permanently in place.
The reactor is opened by simply
removing the split ring and low-
ering the cylinder away from the
head, leaving all of the attach-
ments undisturbed. If desired
the complete vessel assembly
can be removed from the head
support plate.
In the Series 4560 and 4590
reactors, the operator lowers the
heater and removes the cylinder
by hand. In the 1 and 2 liter
Series 4520 and 4530 reactors,
and in the 600 mL and 1200
mL Series 4540 high pressure
models, a manual lift and sup-
port mechanism is provided for
raising and lowering the cylinder.
In the 4550 and 4580 Series 1
and 2 gallon units, the 4570
Series 1 and 1.8 liter sizes, and
the 4557/58 Models, the cylinder
is raised and lowered by a pneu-
matic lift mechanism.
Model 4523 Reactor, Fixed Head, 1 liter.
Close up view of a fixed head reactor with the
cylinder and heater lowered.
P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
Two Mounting Styles