O x y g e n C o m b u s t i o n C a l o r i m e t e r s
• Combustions which produce unusu-
al amounts of ash or other corro-
sive residues that would damage
the automatic discharge system.
• Users who choose not to perform
the additional maintenance that the
fully automatic instruments require.
• Users who presently have a number
of 1108 Oxygen Bombs and other
accessories in their laboratories.
• Student instruction applications
with an emphasis on the basic prin-
cipals of calorimetry.
Series 1108 Oxygen Bombs
More than 20,000 of
these reliable oxygen
combustion bombs
have been placed in
service on a world
wide basis. The 1108
Bomb is the stan-
dard, 350 mL, gen-
eral purpose bomb used in all Parr
6200, 6100, and 1341 Calorimeters,
and in the 1901 Bomb Combustion
Apparatus. It will safely burn samples
liberating up to a maximum of 8000
calories per charge, using oxygen
charging pressures up to 40 atm.
This bomb features an automatic
inlet check valve and an adjustable
needle valve for controlled release
of residual gasses following com-
bustion. They are intended for
samples ranging from 0.6 to 1.2
grams with a maximum energy
release of 8000 calories per charge.
The 1108B has a larger screw cap
and is rated for a maximum release
of 10,000 calories. The 1108P and
1108BP Bomb features a semi-perma-
nent heating wire and cotton thread.
When contact is made through the
heating wire, the thread will burn,
drop into the sample cup and ignite
the sample. All are available in
Alloy 20 and Alloy G30.
Parr Removable Bomb & Bucket Technology
emovable bomb calorimeters
are the more traditional design
most users will recognize. In this
design the oxygen bomb and bucket
are removed from the calorimeter
for loading the sample and filling the
bucket with the carefully measured
amount of water which absorbs the
energy released in the combustion.
The choice of bomb style may
affect the calorimeter chosen. Bomb
choice is dictated by sample size and
alloy of construction. These bombs
range in sample size from 500 to
12,000 calories per charge, and are
offered in different alloys and designs
for a variety of applications.
Alloy Selection
Parr oxygen combustion bombs are
made of Alloy 20 which is richer in
chromium and contains three times
as much nickel as series 300 Stainless
Steels. Alternatively, Alloy G-30 is
offered for chloride service as the
metal contains cobalt and molybde-
num to resist the corrosive effect of
the chloride ion. The fixed bomb of
the 6400 Calorimeter is available in
either alloy.
Recommended Applications
While these bombs do not feature
the automatic handling features of
the fixed bomb and bucket design
calorimeters, the removable bomb
calorimeter will remain the calorim-
eter of choice for users with one or
more of the following applications or
• Low to medium testing loads which
will not justify the higher cost of
more automated systems.
• Applications requiring a greater level
of control over the test process.
• Applications which require one of
the special purpose oxygen bombs
such as the 1104 High-Strength
Bomb or the 1109A Semi-micro
1109A Semi-micro Bomb
The Parr 1109A Semi-micro Oxygen
Bomb is designed for small samples
such as marine biology
or ecological studies. It
may also be used when
sample size is limited.
This 22 mL bomb will
handle samples that
range from 25 to 200 mil-
ligrams, liberating
52 to 1200 calories when burned in
oxygen, using initial pressures up to
35 atmospheres. Outputs of up to 2400
calories can be accommodated if the
sample is self-oxidizing, provided it
is burned in an inert atmosphere and
does not produce gas.
1104 High Strength Bomb
This is a 240 mL, extra heavy bomb
for combustion tests with samples
that burn with extreme violence. It
will handle samples that
liberate up to 12,000
calories per charge,
using oxygen charg-
ing pressures up to 45
atm. This bomb should
be used in place of the
standard bomb when
testing explosives, gun powders and
fast-burning propellants, or when
working with materials whose com-
bustion characteristics are unknown or
unpredictable. Samples to be burned
in the 1104 Oxygen Bomb are held in
a thick-walled capsule within a heavy
combustion cage which serves to muf-
fle the shock forces produced by high-
energy samples. The combustion cage
may not be necessary when testing
samples which do not burn violently.
In some cases it may be easier to
secure complete combustion by sub-
stituting a lighter capsule and omitting
the combustion cage. Part number
1104B is the High Strength Bomb with
the loop terminal only.
B u l l e t i n 6 0 0 0
1 - 8 0 0 - 8 7 2 - 7 7 2 0